Sunday, January 16, 2011

'Test Of Time'

I originally started this blog because of this Challenge I came across on the Sims 2 website. It was called 'A Test of Time'. The challenge was to go through different era stages to get to modern civilisation.

The Era's are as follows:
-Neanderthal Stage (3 generations)
-Roman Stage (4 generations)
-Dark Ages (3 Generations)
-Medievel & Renaissance (4 Generations)
-Exploration & Colonization (3 Generations)
-Victorian Stage (3 Generations)
-MODERN AGE!!! (The End)
You must go through 20 Generations in total! The first 20Gen kid means you have finished the game!
There are quite a bit of rules to read, but if you are a true simmer, you will have fun!

The Yandell Family!

Three pictures to start off with! :)

20 Babies Challenge! -The Yandell Family

The 20 Babies challenge can be founded on the Sims 2 website. There is also 50 Babies challenge(another challenge that i am also doing).

So far I am up to four children! only 16 more to go!!
 Parents: Antoniette and Bradley
First child: Caitlin
Second child: Daniel
TWINS! 3&4: Emma and Ethan
(I did not use a cheat to make twins. They were made naturally (WOOHOO!).)

I will continue this challenge to the end. I will hopefully keep blogging regually. Maybe once a week? maybe more!
All for now,
Rhi ♥