Monday, September 23, 2019

I took a trip to 2019...

Let's get straight into it.

Yes, it's been nearly 5 and a half years since my last post. Yes, there has been a completely new edition to Sims since then. Hahaha.

This year, I joined a group on Facebook, and found out you can play Sims 2 on Windows 10. So that's what I did...and I made a funny...that currently (because I still seem to get likes trickling in after 2ish weeks) has 239 likes.


And OMG have I had some lovely Nostalgia as I've been playing it. Obviously straight away I made a Uni student, as I loved Sims 2 University. Since starting the game again, my Sims 2 sim has graduated, married and about to have her first child 😍.

I play Sims 4 mostly these days. I have played Sims 3 this year, but recently got a new laptop, and haven't yet downloaded Sims 3 onto it. It's been 5 years since Sims 4 was first released, so I am really hoping for a Sims 5 soon.

I decided to do a challenge, since I really have only done one since I started playing Sims, which was the 20 Babies challenge. This time, I am doing the 100 Babies Challenge. Yeah. So looking through this blog today, I noticed it took one whole freaking year to do 20 Babies 😂. That's just great. It makes it so much worse, when I remind myself, that with the 20 Babies Challenge, it also used the same parents the whole time (and they had a lot of Life Elixir). This 100 Babies Challenge, you have to have a DIFFERENT guy for each baby (obviously twins/triplets have exception). It's going to be a real challenge.

I am already up to the 5th child, but better late than never to upload. Traits in a light grey are from mods.


Isla Potts! (Currently Young Adult)
The Matriarch that starts this hell challenge.
Traits: Good, Music Lover, Family-Orientated, Quick Learner, Caregiver, Sage, Weed Dealer.

Jack PottsVillareal (Currently Teenager)
Father: Jacques Villareal
Traits: Good, Naturally Thin, Caregiver, Happy Toddler, Innocent, Gregarious

Jonti PottsZest (Currently Child)
Father: Johnny Zest
Traits: Bookworm, Happy Toddler

Tam PottsPeeping (Currently Child)
Father: Tom Peeping
Traits: Active, Happy Toddler

Hayley PottsMete (Currently Toddler)
Father: Haych Mete
Traits: Wild

Cali PottsVatore (Currently Baby)
Father: Caleb Vatore

Can't forget a picture of the family:

So, I will try to update this blog maybe every 5 babies and/or when there is a new matriarch (the matriarch has to be the youngest daughter of the previous matriarch when the previous matriarch becomes an elder and can no longer fall pregnant).

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