Monday, September 23, 2019

I took a trip to 2019...

Let's get straight into it.

Yes, it's been nearly 5 and a half years since my last post. Yes, there has been a completely new edition to Sims since then. Hahaha.

This year, I joined a group on Facebook, and found out you can play Sims 2 on Windows 10. So that's what I did...and I made a funny...that currently (because I still seem to get likes trickling in after 2ish weeks) has 239 likes.


And OMG have I had some lovely Nostalgia as I've been playing it. Obviously straight away I made a Uni student, as I loved Sims 2 University. Since starting the game again, my Sims 2 sim has graduated, married and about to have her first child 😍.

I play Sims 4 mostly these days. I have played Sims 3 this year, but recently got a new laptop, and haven't yet downloaded Sims 3 onto it. It's been 5 years since Sims 4 was first released, so I am really hoping for a Sims 5 soon.

I decided to do a challenge, since I really have only done one since I started playing Sims, which was the 20 Babies challenge. This time, I am doing the 100 Babies Challenge. Yeah. So looking through this blog today, I noticed it took one whole freaking year to do 20 Babies 😂. That's just great. It makes it so much worse, when I remind myself, that with the 20 Babies Challenge, it also used the same parents the whole time (and they had a lot of Life Elixir). This 100 Babies Challenge, you have to have a DIFFERENT guy for each baby (obviously twins/triplets have exception). It's going to be a real challenge.

I am already up to the 5th child, but better late than never to upload. Traits in a light grey are from mods.


Isla Potts! (Currently Young Adult)
The Matriarch that starts this hell challenge.
Traits: Good, Music Lover, Family-Orientated, Quick Learner, Caregiver, Sage, Weed Dealer.

Jack PottsVillareal (Currently Teenager)
Father: Jacques Villareal
Traits: Good, Naturally Thin, Caregiver, Happy Toddler, Innocent, Gregarious

Jonti PottsZest (Currently Child)
Father: Johnny Zest
Traits: Bookworm, Happy Toddler

Tam PottsPeeping (Currently Child)
Father: Tom Peeping
Traits: Active, Happy Toddler

Hayley PottsMete (Currently Toddler)
Father: Haych Mete
Traits: Wild

Cali PottsVatore (Currently Baby)
Father: Caleb Vatore

Can't forget a picture of the family:

So, I will try to update this blog maybe every 5 babies and/or when there is a new matriarch (the matriarch has to be the youngest daughter of the previous matriarch when the previous matriarch becomes an elder and can no longer fall pregnant).

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


This post is just summing up, who I watch and videos I have posted.

I have a YouTube channel that has a few sims videos on it. I have a link to the right -->
But it is also here: (My sister and I first made this account together, but she has never posted to it.) The most recent video is the Sims 3 20 Babies Challenge. I don't know if I can continue it due to the computer that I play the sims on keeps crashing and showing the Blue Screen of Death!!! If it keeps happening, I shall buy a new computer, and restart the series.

The Sim channels I watch the most are The Sim Supply and LifeSimmer. The Sim Supply is the main channel I watch as he has loads of tutorials and I am interested in his World, Aluna Island.

Hope you are enjoying your day! Rhi x

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's been a while!

So ummmm hey! How are you doing? 

I have added a little update to the 'About' page today, and will mention it her aswell. I have tried the Sims 3 again, and while I am still not completey happy with it compared to Sims 2, I I will keep playing it.

I am going to post here again, with a new 20 Babies Challenge, this time from the Sims 3 :)

I am still active in the Sims just haven't been active here! I have made a world and uploaded it to the Sims 3 exchange (by accident, because I was trying to upload it to my game, but I had to put it in the 'download' section). The link is here: 

It has 21 Commercial lots (some buildings on the same lot) and 10 Residential lots, you can of course add more to the world as there are several roads behind the main part of town that have nothing. 5 of the residential lots have houses on them, three I made terribly, so probably delete them and make better ones lol. One I made with blueprints and another I spent a good few hours on making it look heaps better than the others. I don't know if I placed them in my own version or had it exported, but I had two lots from the empty households section added. 

I don't know if I added a link, but I made a video of my Yandell family and put it on YouTube, here is the link anyway:
(Sorry about the music, I wasn't allowed to have the original music played, which I think Katy Perry haha.)

Well that's all for now, Rhi x

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cheerleading Camp!

Pictures of Sims at Cheer camp!
I can't remember where I got all of the CC, but I will try to link as many as possible at the end of the post.


Jada Nicolson, The director and Head Coach at Cheer Camp
Rae Bier, Cook, Cleaner and Alumni Cheerleader

The Panthers All Stars
Millie Elliot, Captain

Bree mitchell
Jenna Barnes
The Staples High School Eagles
Hannah Lawrence, Captain

Paige Gunn
Heidi Lopez


Some links where I got hairs, Clothes, eyes from:
(These links might not actually have anything to do with these pictures, it is just where I get stuff from)

If there is any pages I missed out, I'm sorry.
Some of the Hairs, and eyes are made by me

Saturday, December 3, 2011

One final post about the Yandell family!

Okay, I actually completed them a few days after the last post about them, I just didn't have the time to post. I haven't gpt the names, But the last child, happened to be child #21!, I was expecting to reach child 20 as a single birth as there were already 7 sims in my house. But no, there had to be twins! This is the first time there has been a glitch in the game that I didn't purposley do!

See what I have done in the next post, moving on from the Yandell family :)

x Rhi

Friday, October 28, 2011

Yandell update, 17 children!

Okay so we were last up to 12, with Mia being the most recent child. Since then Antoniette has had five more children*. Nikky and Oliver, set of twins make up 13 and 14. Pete is number 15 in the family, and Quan and Rhiannon are 16 and 17.

So, this challenge is almost over, and I have no idea what I should do next. Before I started this challenge, I had started to do two other challenges, one was a 50 babies challenge and the other one was a Test Of Time. The test of time neighbourhood was deleted and the 50 babies challenge has not been played since starting the 20 babies challenge. In the 50 babies challenge, they were up to 5 children. since it took me a YEAR to do 20 babies, I doubt I will continue the 50 babies challenge. While I go play the Yandell's for probably one last time, I will think of other challenges that are not too hard and don't need a lot of patience so I will continue it till the end.

All, for now, Rhi

*I have a feeling she had another set of twins after Quan and Rhiannon and I have not just added them in my notes. I keep thinking of 'Stella and Travis', so I have a feeling I only have one more child to go. I will keep it as 17 though in this post as I am not completely sure about 18 and 19.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Webpage changes

Okay so I have been playing around with the blog. You may have noticed I have got a new title. I hope it looks alright to you guys, but if you guys don;t like it, let me know. I have been experimating in gimp and making gimp images, that is why the title and the button to my Twitter flashes. I added a link to my twitter account because I was bored and experimating, you do not have to follow me or even click on the link. I don't usually talk about Sims on my twitter, just random other stuff.

On another note, I am planing to make a story from pictures of my sims and put it on here. To those that visit, I would really appreciate if you leave a suggestion. I have been going along the lines of:
1.Gathering up all my photos of the Yandell family and showing their story on here.
2. Doing a Sims Next Top Model.
3. Create a random story I can come up with myself.

If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment :)

Have fun simming,