Yesturday I played Sims Deluxe Edition. I couldn't be stuffed playing Sims 2 or Sim City 4 so I played Sims1 instead. I made a sim then moved them into a lot. I forgot about how basic this game was. Anyway I made her get a job, in the medicine career as that was the job on offer in the newspaper. Again, I forgot how basic this game was, she desn't get any days off, I forced her not to go to work all the time because I didn't know a cheat to get her mood green. Who remembers Sylvia-Marie and Frankie Mashuga? Yeah well I tried to make my sim friends with them but it is soo hard!
Later today I may go back on the Sims 2 and play my Yandell family. Maybe get another child (or children) born and such. Can't believe in under a human year, my Yandell family grew from four to twelve.
So I wish my computer had internet (the one with the Sims games) so I can download stuff. I have been looking at and there are some really cool stuff on it. I wanted to get all these Harry Potter stuff, like Courses to learn at Uni (You could learn Charms, Care Of Magical Creatures, Arithmacy, Herbology, Defence Against The Dark Arts, Divination, Potions, Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, History Of Magic and Astronomy, Which is basically all of the classes mentioned in the Harry Potter series.)
~This was a draft post from earlier today. I have since found websites where I can download stuff from another computer, I havent been able to play the Yandell family due to finding these websites and I might be able to play tomorrow before work, otherwise I might not get to play for a week or two.~
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